About me
I am financial adviser and I like it
14 years ago, I changed electrotechnical tables for helping people with their finance. I focus mainly housing finance and everything what goes with it. Maybe you ask: What’s the problem with a mortgage? Well, in fact, I’ve done more than 300 of them, and there’s always something wrong. For example, when you are coming from risk country and have only long-term residency, or as self-employee you have limited number of banks to choose, like Marc and Laura.
Since 2016 I have title EFA. It’s second highest education level for finance advisers in Europe.
What you might not say about me
- My first job was on Academy of Sciences and I investigated optical fibres properties.
- I have my financial laboratory at home, where I can concentrate as much as possible.
- New day I start with meditation and cold shower, it charges me for the whole day.
- Sometimes I am indecisive, but always contemplating, so Libra zodiac sign.
- I run for health and pleasure, but I did a Marathon too, it’s Dragon on fire in Chinese horoscope.
- I support non-profit organizations, like Rytmus Východní Čechy, or Paraple foundation.
- Every day I solve crosswords, I like challenges.
- I like walking barefoot, if it isn’t possible, I put barefoot.
- Even though I work mainly in Prague and big cities, I live in very small village, to be close to nature.
- My passion is my family, house and garden, I grow bonsai for 25.
- I follow quote of A.P. Chekhov „I hope to be a student for the rest of my life.
In finance I use pencil, paper and common sense
And computer with analytical SW too of course. And Veronika, my clever wife, who complements my specialization to cover all your demands in finance.
We have already worked together for some clients for 14 years. Yes, from beginning of my advising practice. I have never taken finance as fast selling of life insurance or building savings. Probably it’s habit from care about my garden.
I’m not dealing with things, I don’t understand – commercial and civil low, property evaluation, building house or real estate. But because these brunches closely related to mine, I gradually built relationships with capable experts. I discuss things with them, or I involve them to the process if it’s needed.